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NO (not only) Servlet

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The main addition of Java Servlet 3.0 spec was the introduction of Commet techniques. You can handle long request without blocking. You could have done this before but you had to become platform specific. You depend on servlet container specific API. Servlet 3.0 brought standard API, so this is no issue anymore. What is the issue is the state of those containers. I can only judge two of them that I have been heavily using in the past. To be more precise, Tomcat and Jetty. Servlet 3.0 was a big change. Now out of the blue synchronous request model was changed and servlet 3.0 change had to be transferred to the new code-base without global rewrite current code. The result was turmoil. I would demonstrate it on my case with Tomcat.

public class AsyncLongRunningServlet extends HttpServlet {

protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {

	//(1) create async context
    AsyncContext asyncCtx = request.startAsync();
    //(2) register listener
    asyncCtx.addListener(new AsyncListener() {
        ... onComplete(AsyncEvent asyncEvent) ....
        ... onError(AsyncEvent asyncEvent)...
    	... onStartAsync(AsyncEvent asyncEvent)...
    	... onTimeout(AsyncEvent asyncEvent)...
    //(3)set timeout
    //(4) store it somewhere in the heap for your purposes
    //(5) return from method - do no block this thread till response

This is a typical scheme of asynchronous servlet, you can find it in every demo example:

  1. You make request asynchronous by calling startAsync
  2. You register listener for various state changes.
  3. You set request timeout
  4. You store it to some global list, executor, whatever you business logic requires. This is some kind of waiting list, where requests waits for some event (f.e.: message was sent and it is propagated to clients in case of chat application)
  5. You should not make any long operations here like waiting etc. You just return. Method ends, thread is returned to pool but socket is still opened.

It seems easy, simplistic but it hides some weak point that are not visible from the first sight.

I was in charge of implementing of Pub-Sub feature in a product. So part of the application was JSON-RPC like API, with thread per request model and the second one was notifier. Servlet 3.0 API is well documented, so first implementation was done quickly. But out of the blue responses become corrupted. Sometimes you get response that contained JSON response with a tiny part of some other JSON or a part of image. I have spent a lot of time with debugging with no result. This mistake was unfortunately occurring in the production with some amount of traffic that I could not locally reproduce. In the end I wrote to Tomcat forums and I got this response:

Did I miss some critical lesson about flushing async responses ? 
HttpServletRequest and HttpServletResponse objects 
a) are not thread-safe 
b) are cached and reused for subsequent incoming requests. 

In fact Tomcat (and Jetty as well) recycle request and response objects. They replace only internals. This is done to avoid unnecessary garbage collection. But on the other hand this breaks the isolation of request and tons of unpredictable bugs can occur. Life without isolation is really painful, because if you make a bug in one place it corrupts non-deterministically other places that are fine.

From feature implementer point of view point 4 brings problems with isolation. You can forget to properly clean structure. Yes, you make a bug. It happens, but finding it is a pain - it is non-deterministic. From my point of view servlet containers are not safe enough. Every code that is used for multithread programming should have as much immutables as possible. It makes code more readable and simpler. And certainly they should NOT recycle requests without your direct intent.

So out of frustration I have started to dig up in the source-codes. I wanted to debug it and with luck patch it. No luck here. Sources are overcomplicated due to long maintenance without rewrite and they are full of fuzzy bits like this:

 sk.attach(attachment);//cant remember why this is here

Codebase is improving over time. Jetty was completely rewritten in version 9, so places like this are less common. You do not find “cant remember why” places in Tomcat 8 NIO connector implementation. But the main problem, the request recycling is still present in both web containers.

This all brings me to the ultimate question:

Do you really need servlet container? #

Do you need all servlet fancy features like hot deploy, wars class-loader isolation, life cycle. It is not your case, just HTTP service? Tomcat / Jetty are heavily used, but do you need all of their power and abstraction? They were precisely designed to fulfill multiple demands. I am just asking whether these cases are yours. If not, why just not to use “plain old embedded HTTP” ? Why to use servlets at all ?

There are bunch other possibilities that were written from scratch for non-blocking communication and they are stable (Netty or Vertex).

If you can choose technology I would recommend you to avoid Servlet container for comet applications until you really need them (You can clearly answer the question: why it is actually helpful?). If you can not, be prepared to solve tons of problems of too blury abstraction and caching. And as we know caching is hard.