This is a short how-to article how to install on your device. It is just few steps ...

1. Download

Application is located in Apple App Store or Google Play Store


More information you can find on their official site

2. Run App

Open App on your device

3. Register an account

Please fill your user name (My username is peter ;-) ) and password you like.
You can fill other infos like telephone number and email, but it is not mandatory.
Please do not hit register button yet ;-)

Click you want to use custom server.

Fill home server url:
Identity server let as is. (do not vory, credentials and all chat history is stored on homeserver only). Identity server is used for matching identity - when you allow app to look into your contacts, app can show you nice icon on user that already registered in So you can easily conctact users from your contact list.
Now is time to hit register :)

4. Try to contact me ;-)

Hit plus button and start new chat.

Add my chat address and press start.


From now on your chat adress in You can contact me and anyome on homeserver and even member of other homeservers. It really resembles email. With your email (for exaple peter@gmail) you can contact other email adresses hosted on different servers (yahoo, seznam, ...). You are not bound to a single provider like Facebook or Twitter, where you can communicate only to nettwork members.
